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Resuscitation training of paediatricians


Intensive, didactic courses teaching resuscitation training are currently not only very popular, but are also required curricula content for certain aspects of medical training. There are a number of such courses available in the field of paediatrics, each with a different emphasis and target audience. They are not inexpensive, as they utilise large amounts of training equipment and have a high instructor to student ratio. This review will examine the course structures, instructor training, the need for such courses, and effect they may have on patient outcome.

  • life support course
  • resuscitation
  • ACLS, Advanced Cardiac Life Support
  • ALSG, Advanced Life Support Group
  • APLS, Advanced Paediatric Life Support
  • ATLS, Advanced Trauma Life Support
  • ERC, European Resuscitation Council
  • GIC, Generic Instructors Course
  • NLS, Neonatal Life Support
  • PALS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support

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    BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health